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    Abortion: When does life really start?

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    Abortion: When does life really start? - Page 4 Empty Re: Abortion: When does life really start?

    Post by vril Mon Aug 16, 2010 2:59 pm

    Yidda wrote:

    Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit is nothing other than final impenitence
    which is refusing, up to and including the last moment of one's life, to repent from actual mortal sin.

    Humanity has withdrawn himself from God who is the source of Life and Joy. Man is the one who choses evil for God, he is the one who build a civilization without God.

    You must have missed the Old testament.

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    Abortion: When does life really start? - Page 4 Empty Re: Abortion: When does life really start?

    Post by vril Mon Aug 16, 2010 3:09 pm

    Yidda wrote:

    Under the principle of the "double effect,"attending physicians must do everything in their power to save both the mother and the child. If the physicians decide that, in the case of an ectopic pregnancy, the mother's life can only be saved by the removal of the Fallopian tube (and with it, the unborn baby), or by removal of some other tissue essential for the preborn baby's life, the baby will of course die. But this would not be categorized as an abortion. This is all the difference between deliberate murder (abortion) and unintentional natural death.

    Let me re-construct your dogma.

    ".... the mother's life can only be saved by the removal of the fetus in the fallopian tube which will require the attending physician to remove the fallopian tube itself."

    In this case, removal of the fetus is only possible by removing the fallopian tube. The fallopian tube is fine with itself until this fetus came along. And modern medicine has another way of removing the fetus in ectopic pregnancy, thru medication without removing the fallopian tube.

    Both intentions are directed at removing the fetus to save the mother's life.

    These are direct abortions by your definition. Therefore deliberate murder as you call it.

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    Abortion: When does life really start? - Page 4 Empty Re: Abortion: When does life really start?

    Post by vril Mon Aug 16, 2010 3:12 pm

    Yidda wrote:
    God is Good.

    The Goodness of God is the basis for all morality.

    All immorality is contrary to the very Nature of God. God has justice not merely as a quality, but as His very Nature. All that is unjust, all that is sin, is contrary to the very Nature of God. Morality is determined by the Goodness and Justice of the Divine Nature.

    All immoral acts are in some way contrary to the Nature of God.
    All moral acts are in harmony with the Nature of God.

    You truly must have missed the Old testament.

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    Abortion: When does life really start? - Page 4 Empty Re: Abortion: When does life really start?

    Post by korrill Mon Aug 16, 2010 3:31 pm

    Yidda wrote:if you are really familiar(on church stands) why don't you quote a dogma which exactly teaches what you said, and yes your statements are ad hominem. why do you seems to guess what really happens about that nun.

    And ad hominem is an attack against character rather than on argument. An example would be if I call the church as cold blooded murderers so you should not believe them.

    In this instance, I have merely shown the church's stand - they would rather see the mother die with the child rather than save the mother by performing an abortion. And I supported it with the words of a church official who declared that very thing.

    Yidda wrote:I said abortion must be refused . Everything that can be done, morally, should be done, to try to save both lives. But direct abortion is always immoral.

    A Catholic hospital approved and performed an abortion on a woman who doctors said would not survive if the pregnancy continued to term.

    Seems you did not even read the case I presented. The mother was dying. She had right heart failure.

    She was described as being so ill that moving her to another hospital was not possible. Her condition was even reiterated in the link you provided.

    One thing most people seem to agree on is that McBride, in her role as a hospital administrator, did not approve a standard abortion. The circumstances at St. Joseph's involved a woman who was so seriously ill that continuing her pregnancy could have killed her.

    Yidda wrote:Under the three fonts of morality:
    1. the good intended end was to save the life of the mother. The intended means was direct abortion; the intention to use an intrinsically evil act to a good end is not a good intention.

    2. the moral object is not the intended end of saving the mother's life,but the proximate end toward which the act itself is inherently directed. In this case, the moral object is the deprivation of life from an innocent prenatal; this is an evil moral object, making the inherent moral meaning of the act itself also evil. A good intention, and dire circumstances, cannot justify an intrinsically evil act.

    3. the circumstance that the mother would die without the abortion cannot change the moral object, and so the act remains immoral.

    So, in other words, the catholic church would rather see both mother and child die than perform an abortion.

    So how is me pointing that out an ad hominem again?

    Yidda wrote:Incorrect claims made about this case:

    Claim: "experts say the bishop failed to appreciate the circumstances that led to Sister Margaret McBride's decision"

    Reply: The Catechism of the Catholic Church: "It is therefore an error to judge the morality of human acts by considering only the intention that inspires them or the circumstances (environment, social pressure, duress or emergency, etc.) which supply their context. There are acts which, in and of themselves, independently of circumstances and intentions, are always gravely illicit by reason of their object; such as blasphemy and perjury, murderand adultery. One may not do evil so that good may result from it." (CCC, n. 1756.)

    Claim: "The theological debate centers on two key issues. One is the circumstances of the medical procedure and whether it should be considered a treatment for an illness or a procedure intended to end thelife of a fetus."

    Reply: An abortion is direct when the chosen act is inherently ordered toward the death of the innocent prenatal. The circumstances cannot cause a direct abortion to be indirect. The intention cannot cause a direct abortion to be indirect. Intention and circumstances do not determine moral object.

    "The second is whether McBride believed she was acting within the ethics of the Catholic Church, which puts emphasis on whether a person knowingly and willingly violates church law."

    Her knowingly chosen act was objectively a mortal sin. An act need not be an actual mortal sin (done with full knowledge and full consent) in order to fall under the penalty of the Canon. As a nun and an administrator at a Catholic hospital, she very likely knew of the Canon Law excommunicating for completed direct abortion.

    Claim: " McBride justified the procedure because the direct intent was to save the mother's life, not to end the pregnancy which, under Catholic teaching, is known as the principle of double effect."

    Reply: The principle of double effect never justifies intrinsically evil acts, such as direct abortion. Intention cannot cause an intrinsically evil act to become moral. So a direct abortion done with the intent to save the life of the mother is still gravely immoral. Direct abortion is inherently ordered toward the killing of an innocent person, regardless of intention or circumstances. The act itself is inherently
    directed at an evil end; it is not the intention that determines if the abortion is direct, but the very nature of the act itself.

    Claim: "Under "double effect," the death of a fetus is allowable as a secondary effect of required surgery."

    Reply: When the surgery directly kills the prenatal, the death of the prenatal is not a secondary effect; rather, it is the moral object. The surgery in this case was inherently aimed at killing the prenatal as a proximate end. The more distant intended end of saving the life of the mother is not the moral object.

    Claim: "McBride's intention meant the procedure "wasn't an 'abortion' " in the sense the procedure is prohibited by Catholic moral teaching, despite the "foreseen, terrible and unwanted side effect of causing the baby's death.""

    Reply: Notice the wording used 'of causing the baby's death'. This particular act (the surgery) caused the death of the prenatal directly, so it was not a 'side effect', nor was the death 'unwanted'. The particular sugery was chosen in order to kill the prenatal; that was the end to which the act was inherently directed.

    Claim: "The St. Joseph's case was more like cases of uterine cancer or ectopic pregnancies, in which Catholic theology approves removing the diseased organs even if a fetus resides inside them, the Rev. Kevin O'Rourke, a professor of bioethics at Loyola University-Chicago and consultant for Catholic hospitals, wrote in America, a Jesuit magazine."

    Reply: In cases of uterine cancer, the surgery directly treats the disease. The uterus has cancer, and so the uterous is removed. In the McBride case, the surgery was directed at killing an innocent prenatal. So the two cases are not alike. It is appalling that a priest and a professor of bioethics could present such a falsehood as if it were Catholic teaching.

    Claim: "But Gerard Nadal, a microbiologist who writes a blog, "Coming Home: Science in Service of the Pro-Life Movement," said that Catholic moral teaching never permits illicit means to reach a good end. "

    Reply: His position is correct. The intrinsically evil act of direct abortion is never licit even as a means to a good end.

    Claim: "He also argued that McBride's role in the case indicates she did not "procure" the abortion, as required for excommunication under church law. "

    Reply: Pope John Paul II taught that not only the person who procures the direct abortion, but also all those who formally cooperate with the abortion, are excommunicated:

    Pope John Paul II: "The excommunication affects all those who commit this crime with knowledge of the penalty attached, and thus includes those accomplices without whose help the crime would not have been committed." (Evangelium Vitae, n. 62.)

    Claim: "Church law, Orsy said, requires that the benefit of the doubt go to the accused. "The conclusion is compelling: to say the least, it is highly doubtful that Sr. Margaret acted out of malice aforethought, or that she actively procured an abortion," he wrote. "

    Reply: Malice aforethought is a legal term in the secular court system, not in Canon Law. A person need not act with malice in order to fall under the penalty of Canon Law. Also, as noted above, she need not have actively procured the abortion herself; all necessary accmplices are also excommunicated.

    Once again you have reiterated the church's position with regards to abortion. But you still haven't answered the question:

    Which is moral:

    1. Terminating the pregnancy and saving the life of the mother. This knowing the facts of the case:

    a. The mother was dying of heart failure.

    b. The pregnancy was the cause of the threat to her life.

    c. Terminating the pregnancy was the only way to save her.

    2. Letting them both die to satisfy a dogma. In this situation, you don't violate the church's dogma. But you end up with two dead people.

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    Abortion: When does life really start? - Page 4 Empty Re: Abortion: When does life really start?

    Post by Yidda Mon Aug 16, 2010 3:34 pm

    vril wrote:

    Let me re-construct your dogma.

    ".... the mother's life can only be saved by the removal of the fetus in the fallopian tube which will require the attending physician to remove the fallopian tube itself."

    In this case, removal of the fetus is only possible by removing the fallopian tube. The fallopian tube is fine with itself until this fetus came along. And modern medicine has another way of removing the fetus in ectopic pregnancy, thru medication without removing the fallopian tube.

    Both intentions are directed at removing the fetus to save the mother's life.

    These are direct abortions by your definition. Therefore deliberate murder as you call it.
    I already said the procedure is not an abortion;if it is a procedure directed at removing for cure like for example a cancer, or a cancerous organ. And that the The death ofthe prenatal is in the consequences.

    I said too in my post pg. 3 "The medical disorder in cases of ectopic pregnancy is that the prenatal is in the wrong location. So removing the prenatal itself from that location directly treats the disorder; it is not direct abortion. The death of the prenatal is indirect. If it were medically possible to then implant the prenatal in the correct location, then this would be done. It is not currently medically possible (but it isconceivable)"

    did I say these are direct abortion or deliberate murder?

    Last edited by Yidda on Mon Aug 16, 2010 3:55 pm; edited 2 times in total

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    Abortion: When does life really start? - Page 4 Empty Re: Abortion: When does life really start?

    Post by Yidda Mon Aug 16, 2010 3:40 pm

    read my post above korril! It seems I have answered your post repeatedly.

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    Abortion: When does life really start? - Page 4 Empty Re: Abortion: When does life really start?

    Post by Yidda Mon Aug 16, 2010 3:51 pm

    vril wrote:

    You truly must have missed the Old testament.

    None of us have a completely correct understanding of God who is infinite.

    The followers of Christ must carry their crosses in order to be like Him.

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    Abortion: When does life really start? - Page 4 Empty Re: Abortion: When does life really start?

    Post by korrill Mon Aug 16, 2010 3:54 pm

    [quote'Yidda"]Example: A physician intends the good end of relieving the suffering of his patient. But he intends to use the gravely immoral means of euthanasia to that end. Not only is the act immoral due to an evil moral object (the killing of an innocent person), but the first font of intention is also immoral. No one can claim that their intention is good, if they intend to use an evil means to a good end. The end does
    not justify the means. And so an evil intended means is not justified by a good intended end.[/quote]

    A chicken with its head cut is different from a chicken with its neck wrung. But does it matter to the chicken?

    In the same way, a treated ectopic pregnancy is different from a treated life endangering pregnancy. Either way, the solution is the termination of the pregnancy and the fetus ends up dead.

    So what's the difference?

    If you will use the "direct-indirect" excuse, bear in mind that the core idea in both is ending the pregnancy.

    read my post above korril! It seems I have answered your post repeatedly.

    No you haven't, Yidda. What you have done is fall back on the church's dogma and utilize an excuse for a situation that is not the same as the one given. Let me reiterate:

    The mother is dying of heart failure. The pregnancy is the direct cause. Terminating the pregnancy is the only way to save her life.

    What is the moral thing to do?

    1. Terminate the pregnancy and save the mother's life.

    2. Let both of them die to satisfy a dogma?

    Yidda wrote:None of us have a completely correct understanding of God who is infinite.

    The followers of Christ must carry their crosses in order to be like Him.

    So please answer the question I posted earlier:

    How sure are you that the Catholic position is really what god wanted?

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    Abortion: When does life really start? - Page 4 Empty Re: Abortion: When does life really start?

    Post by korrill Mon Aug 16, 2010 3:59 pm

    Yidda wrote:I know what the church teaches, my argument is based on the conception of Jesus. I think you cannot continue properly being irritated by those teachings.

    Now this, Yidda, is what is known as an ad hominem.

    And just so we're clear on the issue, cherry picking means you accept only those things a person stated which you find acceptable yet ignore the rest - like what you did with Aquinas.

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    Abortion: When does life really start? - Page 4 Empty Re: Abortion: When does life really start?

    Post by Yidda Mon Aug 16, 2010 4:03 pm

    really or the "cherry picking one" I said too , "I know what I say and the teachings of the church" when in your case you do not know the teachings and still have the guts to say I cherry pick. (it's actually ad hom) or you are only irritated by what I said on the real stand of Aquinas supported by magisterial documents..

    plus your source came from - Religious' Coalition for Abortion Rights.June 1978 propaganda pamphlet entitled "ABORTION: Why Religious Organizations in the United States Want to Keep it Legal

    The falsehoods quoted have been bandied about by devious pro-abortionists for the last century, and the time has come to lay them to rest once and for all. Most importantly, the Catholic Church has never "approved of" or "condoned" abortion in any part of its history.

    I wonder why you used this kind of sources.

    Last edited by Yidda on Mon Aug 16, 2010 4:49 pm; edited 5 times in total

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    Abortion: When does life really start? - Page 4 Empty Re: Abortion: When does life really start?

    Post by Yidda Mon Aug 16, 2010 4:08 pm


    1. The procedure is not an abortion;if it is a procedure directed at removing for cure like for example a cancer, or a cancerous organ. And that the The death of the prenatal is in the consequences.

    You must refuse the abortion. Everything that can be done, morally, should be done, to try to save both lives. But direct abortion is always immoral.

    2. When did the church said that?(state the dogma please!)

    How sure are you that the Catholic position is really what god wanted?

    You shall not kill an unborn child or murder a newborn infant.

    The Didache
    ("The Lord's Instruction to the Gentiles through the Twelve Apostles"). II, 2, translated by J.A. Kleist, S.J., Ancient Christian Writers, Volume 6. Westminster, 1948, page 16.

    You shall love your neighbor more than your own life. You shall not slay the child by abortion.
    Barnabas (c. 70-138), Epistle, Volume II, page 19.

    who do you think is on God's side now?

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    Abortion: When does life really start? - Page 4 Empty Re: Abortion: When does life really start?

    Post by Esther Mon Aug 16, 2010 6:04 pm

    The mother is dying of heart failure. The pregnancy is the direct
    cause. Terminating the pregnancy is the only way to save her life.

    What is the moral thing to do?

    1. Terminate the pregnancy and save the mother's life.
    direct abortion is just not a part of modern medicine.

    2. Let both of them die to satisfy a dogma?
    says who?

    interview from Dr. George Isajiw MD

    ...Actually it’s not. There is no such thing as an abortion to save the life of the mother. As a matter of fact for a while.. several years.. I was very interested in that question in my formative years and I would ask every obstetrician and gynecologist that I met anywhere. And I said have you ever had
    a case where you had to do something to kill the baby to save the life of the mother. I have not come across one case, you know. People think of in the movie, the story the Cardinal, where the woman was delivering the child and got into complications and they crushed the baby’s head. And that is just not a part of modern medicine. That is not necessary to be done.

    Where the confusion arises is the so-called indirect abortion. Or those cases where both mother and child are dying because of a situation, there are really only three situations like this that I can think of and that’s ectopic pregnancy, cancer of the uterus, and perhaps trauma, or an accidental traumatic
    injury to the uterus. And if you don’t do anything then both mother and child will die. Now if you treat the mother for whatever needs to be treated, the uterus is bleeding, and you remove the uterus and the baby is still in there, and you do nothing to kill the baby, that is if you had a means an artificial
    incubator, some day we will have it, I’m sure, you could put that baby in there, so in no way do you directly attack the life of the baby. But you can foresee that that baby will lose its life, but it will lose its life anyhow but without directly attacking. Those are the three instances, very rare, very rare, but those are not abortions. If you look at the five ways that abortions are done, which is the only purpose is to kill the child, none of these techniques are the methods used in these operations. So there is no such thing as an abortion necessary.

    And you don’t need a law, you don’t need an exception because for ages that
    treatment of ectopic pregnancy, once the mother starts bleeding or has
    life-threatening complications, the treatment of cancer of the uterus, that has
    been always permissible without …having to legalize abortion. So the answer is
    simply no. There is no such thing as an abortion to save the life of the mother,
    sometimes early delivery, sometimes it is so early that the baby has a great
    risk of dying perhaps, but the baby is delivered, the baby is placed into
    intensive care, is given all the possible support, and may or may make it, but
    there is no such thing as an abortion to do that.

    Last edited by Esther on Mon Aug 16, 2010 7:26 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Abortion: When does life really start? - Page 4 Empty Re: Abortion: When does life really start?

    Post by korrill Mon Aug 16, 2010 7:08 pm

    Yidda wrote:really or the "cherry picking one" I said too , "I know what I say and the teachings of the church" when in your case you do not know the teachings and still have the guts to say I cherry pick. (it's actually ad hom) or you are only irritated by what I said on the real stand of Aquinas supported by magisterial documents.

    Actually, you did. And this is the second ad hominem you've used against me.

    I'm familiar with the teachings of the church. I was once a believer. That's why I stated that I find it distasteful for it does not make a distinction between a necessary abortion and a frivolous one. Even if I were not familiar with the teachings of the church, it's easy enough to see you cherry picking based on what you find acceptable and not.

    Yidda wrote:The term soul implies that there is also a body.

    "the intellectual soul is united by its very being to the body" (St Thomas, Summa Theologica, I, 76, 6)

    The human being is a person from conception (zygote is the single cell stage of development), which includes his bodily and spiritual totality,i.e. his body and his soul.

    Ateo wrote:Yidda, I have to beg to disagree with you. The same Thomas Aquinas was quoted as having believed in the concept of "delayed ensoulment". I quote Prof. Maguire, a Catholic theologian:

    "St. Thomas Aquinas, the most esteemed of medieval theologians, held this view. Thus the most traditional and stubbornly held position in Catholic Christianity is that early abortions are not murder."

    Yidda wrote:The Saints are not infallible. We follow the teaching of the Church, which is not necessarily the same as the teaching of a Saint hundreds of years ago. Aquinas and others did not have sufficient knowledge about procreation and development in the womb in order to understand that the human person is created, body and soul, at conception.

    Yidda wrote:plus your source came from - Religious' Coalition for Abortion Rights.June 1978 propaganda pamphlet entitled "ABORTION: Why Religious Organizations in the United States Want to Keep it Legal

    The falsehoods quoted have been bandied about by devious pro-abortionists for the last century, and the time has come to lay them to rest once and for all. Most importantly, the Catholic Church has never "approved of" or "condoned" abortion in any part of its history.

    I wonder why you used this kind of sources.

    Really, Yidda?

    Show me where I used such a resource. So far, the only source i have cited is the National Public Radio website ( for the story of the excommunicated nun. That's from a news clipping dated May 19, 2010.

    Once more, you're arguing using character rather than merit of argument. That's an ad hominem.

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    Abortion: When does life really start? - Page 4 Empty Re: Abortion: When does life really start?

    Post by korrill Mon Aug 16, 2010 7:21 pm

    Esther wrote:The mother is dying of heart failure. The pregnancy is the direct
    cause. Terminating the pregnancy is the only way to save her life.

    What is the moral thing to do?

    1. Terminate the pregnancy and save the mother's life.
    abortion is just not a part
    of modern medicine.

    Actually, it is.

    Esther wrote:2. Let both of them die to satisfy a dogma?
    says who?

    The church.

    "She consented in the murder of an unborn child," says the Rev. John Ehrich, the medical ethics director for the Diocese of Phoenix. "There are some situations where the mother may in fact die along with her child. But — and this is the Catholic perspective — you can't do evil to bring about good. The end does not justify the means."

    Esther wrote:interview from Dr. George Isajiw MD

    ...Actually it’s not. There is no such thing as an abortion to save the life
    of the mother. As a matter of fact for a while.. several years.. I was very
    interested in that question in my formative years and I would ask every
    obstetrician and gynecologist that I met anywhere. And I said have you ever had
    a case where you had to do something to kill the baby to save the life of the
    mother. I have not come across one case, you know. People think of in the movie,
    the story the Cardinal, where the woman was delivering the child and got
    into complications and they crushed the baby’s head. And that is just not a part
    of modern medicine.
    That is not necessary to be done.

    Where the confusion arises is the so-called indirect abortion. Or those cases
    where both mother and child are dying because of a situation, there are really
    only three situations like this that I can think of and that’s ectopic
    pregnancy, cancer of the uterus, and perhaps trauma, or an accidental traumatic
    injury to the uterus. And if you don’t do anything then both mother and child
    will die. Now if you treat the mother for whatever needs to be treated, the
    uterus is bleeding, and you remove the uterus and the baby is still in there,
    and you do nothing to kill the baby, that is if you had a means an artificial
    incubator, some day we will have it, I’m sure, you could put that baby in there,
    so in no way do you directly attack the life of the baby. But you can foresee
    that that baby will lose its life, but it will lose its life anyhow but without
    directly attacking. Those are the three instances, very rare, very rare, but
    those are not abortions.
    If you look at the five ways that abortions are done,
    which is the only purpose is to kill the child, none of these techniques are the
    methods used in these operations. So there is no such thing as an abortion

    And you don’t need a law, you don’t need an exception because for ages that
    treatment of ectopic pregnancy, once the mother starts bleeding or has
    life-threatening complications, the treatment of cancer of the uterus, that has
    been always permissible without …having to legalize abortion. So the answer is
    simply no. There is no such thing as an abortion to save the life of the mother,
    sometimes early delivery, sometimes it is so early that the baby has a great
    risk of dying perhaps, but the baby is delivered, the baby is placed into
    intensive care, is given all the possible support, and may or may make it, but
    there is no such thing as an abortion to do that.

    1. Did you even read the case:

    2. The issue is not about legalizing abortion. It's about how the church does not even recognize the difference between a necessary abortion and a frivolous abortion.

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    Post by Esther Mon Aug 16, 2010 7:30 pm

    that's ad hominem too. State the dogma that says so!

    "You must refuse the abortion. Everything that can be done, morally,
    should be done, to try to save both lives. But direct abortion is always

    Direct abortion is not a medical procedure as it was written in that article.

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    Post by Esther Mon Aug 16, 2010 7:36 pm

    2.The issue is not about legalizing abortion. It's about how the church
    does not even recognize the difference between a necessary abortion and a
    frivolous abortion.

    No you are just being blind or hostile to what ever the church teach.

    You can google many sites here on how the church deals with different cases.

    for the complete article on my post click here:

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    Post by korrill Mon Aug 16, 2010 7:42 pm

    Yidda wrote:answer:

    1. The procedure is not an abortion;if it is a procedure directed at removing for cure like for example a cancer, or a cancerous organ. And that the The death of the prenatal is in the consequences.

    You must refuse the abortion. Everything that can be done, morally, should be done, to try to save both lives. But direct abortion is always immoral.


    The mother is dying. Her heart has failed. If you do not terminate the pregnancy, she will die.

    Yidda wrote:2. When did the church said that?(state the dogma please!)

    Posted already and you still have to ask:

    Rev. John Ehrich, the medical ethics director for the Diocese of Phoenix: "There are some situations where the mother may in fact die along with her child. But — and this is the Catholic perspective — you can't do evil to bring about good. The end does not justify the means."

    That's an official of the catholic church saying they recognize the danger to the mother's life but they still don't allow abortion to save her life - even if it means the mother will die.

    So answer this: What is the church's position when it is established that the pregnancy is what is killing the mother?

    Yidda wrote:How sure are you that the Catholic position is really what god wanted?

    You shall not kill an unborn child or murder a newborn infant.

    The Didache
    ("The Lord's Instruction to the Gentiles through the Twelve Apostles"). II, 2, translated by J.A. Kleist, S.J., Ancient Christian Writers, Volume 6. Westminster, 1948, page 16.

    You shall love your neighbor more than your own life. You shall not slay the child by abortion.
    Barnabas (c. 70-138), Epistle, Volume II, page 19.

    who do you think is on God's side now?

    Who indeed. But here's a more important question: Does the verse talk about a pregnancy that is causing the mother to die?

    Does it talk of a situation where the only way to save the mother whose heart has started failing is to terminate the pregnancy that is causing strain on it?

    Or does it talk of your average, garden variety frivolous abortion?

    Like I said, Yidda, dogma is based on interpretation.

    So: How sure are you that the Catholic position is really what god wanted?

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    Post by Esther Mon Aug 16, 2010 7:46 pm

    quote from korril
    Really, Yidda?

    Show me where I used such a resource. So far,the only source i have cited is the National Public Radio website ( for the story of the excommunicated nun. That's from a news clipping dated May 19, 2010.

    Again when you suddenly mingle with their disscussion you said Yidda's cherry picking etc.. but actually what they are disscussing is that propagandist post used by

    'Religious' Coalition for Abortion Rights.June 1978 propaganda pamphlet entitled "ABORTION: Why Religious Organizations in the United States Want to Keep it Legal

    which are not church teachings they are propaganda (the Pope Innocent St, Jerome etc,,), How can you tell us then that you know the catholic teachings when from that simple article you cant identify which is which.

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    Post by korrill Mon Aug 16, 2010 7:51 pm

    Esther wrote:2.The issue is not about legalizing abortion. It's about how the church
    does not even recognize the difference between a necessary abortion and a
    frivolous abortion.

    No you are just being blind or hostile to what ever the church teach.

    You can google many sites here on how the church deals with different cases.

    for the complete article on my post click here:

    I have, Esther. In the case I presented, the church excommunicated the nun who authorized the abortion to save the life of the critically ill mother who was suffering from a heart failure connected to her pregnancy. *

    In another case, a nine year-old girl became pregnant after her father molested her. The doctors found her immature body incapable of carrying the twins in her womb. They aborted the pregnancy to avert the risks to the girl. * The church excommunicated them as well.

    The church only recognizes ectopic pregnancies as acceptable for abortion. Their reason is that it's because it's indirect. But what of the case I presented where the terminating the pregnancy that's killing the mother is the only way to save her life?

    Well, you already know the church's position on that with the answer given by Rev. John Ehrich.


    In case you missed it, those are cases where doctors recommended abortion as the treatment.

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    Post by korrill Mon Aug 16, 2010 7:57 pm

    Esther wrote:that's ad hominem too. State the dogma that says so!

    "You must refuse the abortion. Everything that can be done, morally,
    should be done, to try to save both lives. But direct abortion is always

    This is probably the fifth time I've been accused of issuing an ad hominem. Pray tell, how is it an ad hominem when all I have done is point out the catholic position?

    You have also used the same argument as Yidda. But then, you also seem to ignore the facts of the case:

    1. Mother was in critical condition. She was too ill to even be transferred to another hospital.

    2. Her heart's right half has failed. It cannot handle the strain imposed upon it by the pregnancy.

    Esther wrote:Direct abortion is not a medical procedure as it was written in that article.

    3. The doctors told the nun and the woman that the only way to save her life was to terminate the pregnancy.

    An abortion or termination of pregnancy is recommended when it is determined that the pregnancy is what is causing the threat to the life of the mother and no other possible way exists to save her life.

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    Post by Yidda Tue Aug 17, 2010 9:28 am

    korrill wrote:
    So, in other words, the catholic church would rather see
    both mother and child die than perform an abortion.
    God and His Church desire that all persons strive to avoid sin, especially grave sin, and so the Church teaches that we must not commit the grave sin of direct abortion. The end of saving the mother's life does not justify the means: the killing of an innocent child. We must all prefer death over grave sin.

    Physicians should do all that they can morally do in order to save the life of both mother and child. But no one is justified in killing an innocent child,not even to save a life.

    Should someone murder an innocent person to save the lives of several innocent persons? Certainly not. It is never moral to use an evil means to a good end. Direct abortion is murder, and so it is not justified, even if both lives would otherwise be lost.

    "The Church proposes the example of numerous Saints who bore witness to and defended moral truth even to the point of enduring martyrdom, or who preferred death to a single mortal sin. In raising them to the honour of the altars, the Church has canonized their witness and declared the truth of their judgment, according to which the love of God entails the obligation to respect his commandments, even in the most dire of circumstances, and the refusal to betray those commandments, even for the sake of saving one's own life." Pope John Paul II, Veritatis Splendor n. 91.

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    Post by Yidda Tue Aug 17, 2010 9:30 am

    korrill wrote:
    What is the church's position when it is established that the pregnancy is what is killing the mother?

    How sure are you that the Catholic position is really what god wanted?

    It is the infallible teaching of the Church that direct abortion is always gravely immoral. So the answer is: very sure.

    The Church teaches that we can never directly kill the prenatal in order to save the life of the mother. So if the pregnancy is endangering the life of the mother, abortion is nevertheless gravely immoral.

    If the mother's life is endangered by a disease, such as cancer, and if the prenatal's life cannot be saved, then the cancer can be treated, even though the treatment of the cancer will indirectly kill the prenatal. This act is permissible because the treatment of the cancer is not a direct killing of the prenatal.

    In a case where the pregnancy itself endangers the mother, abortion is direct killing and therefore gravely immoral, because the child is not a disease. The act of abortion in this case is not a treatment for a disease, but a type of murder.

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    Post by vril Tue Aug 17, 2010 10:01 am

    If the Church allows the mother to die just to satisfy a dogma (direct abortion is not permissible) then the Church is guilty of murdering the mother. Since it clearly knows that the only way to save the mother is to terminate the pregnancy but it does not allow it, the church is responsible for the death of human life.

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    Post by Yidda Tue Aug 17, 2010 10:23 am

    "Six things there are, which the Lord hateth, and the seventh His Soul detesteth: haughty eyes, a lying tongue,hands that shed innocent blood."Proverbs 6:16-17

    "Keep far from a false charge, and do not slay the innocent and righteous, for I will not acquit the wicked." Exodus 23:7

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    Post by vril Tue Aug 17, 2010 10:27 am

    Yidda wrote:"Six things there are, which the Lord hateth, and the seventh His Soul detesteth: haughty eyes, a lying tongue,hands that shed innocent blood."Proverbs 6:16-17

    "Keep far from a false charge, and do not slay the innocent and righteous, for I will not acquit the wicked." Exodus 23:7

    Agree. The mother is as innocent as the unborn child.

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